Finding your own way.Vegan vs ethical eaters

Interesting discussions are often had at the cafe regarding Vegan vs ethical eaters.


I have come to realise over the years that it is important to me to keep true to my values and my integrity. Vegan is what I am 99.9% of the time and the only time I move from this is to eat an egg from my now free range, extremely happy rescue chooks. I dont ever claim to be vegan, what I claim to be is an ethical eater. I believe we can all live a symbiotic life with each other, each working and supporting each other. It is the concept of factory farming of animals that has got really out of control. At what point did we lose respect for the life of the animal to that extent. I personally believe we will look back on these days as the dark ages for animals and see it for what it is a holocaust for the animals, with only a few aware people going in to bat for them.

The thing that saddens me is the fight for animal rights is often bringing out the worst in both the meat eaters and vegans alike and the fight is turning into a war. I believe people are fundamentally good, and if shown the suffering of an animal they will want to change their ways. Im not niave enough to believe we can stop every one in the world eating meat, but I do believe if treated with compassion and gentleness, they are more likely to be receptive to changing….I believe in being respectful to each others beliefs even if it is opposed to ours. I believe we can gently convert the planet working with like minded gentle people like Vegan Era and the many other kind compassionate loving people who want to bring change…

What are your thoughts…..

With love


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